
VAT2019 N 015
Synopsis"The use of sanitary napkins has increased in India, driven predominantly by the government. But the effort suffers from multiple problems–the quality and supply of sanitary napkins, lack of awareness and unsafe disposal techniques. Traditionally, women used cloth for protection during menstruation, washing and reusing them repeatedly. Those who are poor use rags, ash, or husk. Lack of menstrual hygiene results in diseases such as urinary/reproductive tract infections as well as bacterial vaginosis. This film is about ecofriendly, biodegradable sanitary pads and their production.
Devshree Nath
Original Language
Director Bio
"Devshree Nath is a third year student, currently pursuing film studies in the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. He has a keen interest in taking up some social issues and bring that up through his films. "

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