Kinara ('The Edge')

VAT2019 N 063
Synopsis 'Kinara' aims to highlight the human-tiger conflict in the reserve forest areas of India. Intended primarily to sensitize locals actually living with the problem, the film seeks to, in as simple and stark a manner as possible, show tigers as living, loving creatures who deserve our protection and empathy. The film aimed to educate the viewer about the progression of events, largely human-led, which result in the often misunderstood violence that the tigers are forced to resort to. The story unfolds around a family of tigers suffer the consequences of increased intrusions into the forest by the human communities living on the edge of the Tadoba tiger reserve.
Kalp Sanghvi and U. Bhattacharyya
Original Language
West Bengal, India
Director Bio
Kalp Sanghvi and Upamanyu Bhattacharya are members of Ghost Animation Collective, India and are graduates from National Institute of Design. They seek to work towards creating indigenous storytelling with local flavors to connect with the audience. They are skilled in traditional 2d animation, motion typography, illustrations and visual scripting. They have previously worked on title sequences of some of the major Indian feature films.

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