Saving the Dark

VAT2019 I 086
Synopsis80% of the world’s population can no longer see the Milky Way. What do we lose when we lose sight of the stars? Excessive and improper lighting robs us of our night skies, disrupts our sleep patterns and endangers nocturnal habitats. The current advances in LED technology have enabled several cities to safely light their streets and save energy without disrupting the nighttime environment. Saving the Dark explores the need to preserve night skies and what we can do to combat light pollution.
Sriram Murali
Original Language
Director Bio
Sriram Murali is a filmmaker known for his movies like ‘Saving the Dark’ (2018) and viral videos such as ‘Lost in Light’ (2016). He has a passion for Astronomy and uses photography and filmmaking to create awareness about Light Pollution. His work has been published in National Geographic, Time and several other magazines. While these pursuits are hobbies for him, he also works full time as analyst, fighting abuse on the Internet.

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