Let's save Bobby

VAT2019 N 171
SynopsisThis film is a fine blend of education, entertainment, and emotions. It displays the passion of an artist, the conviction of a conservationist, and the uncomplicated approach of a teacher-psychologist. Bobby the tiger cub promises to be the mascot of tiger conservation in the years to come. Deep inside a jungle in India, a tiger cub is born! Fathered by Bagha, the majestic territorial male, and reared by Ruby, the doting and fearless female, the jungle folk call him Bobby. With tigers under threat and facing the ominous future of extinction, the film takes children into Bobby’s world, in a joy-ride like manner. A different genre has been constructed by the director with the aim of drawing-in children towards the cause of conservation.
Dr Vilas Padhye
Original Language
English and Hindi
Maharashtra, India
Director Bio
Vilas Padhye is a psychology professor with a Ph.D. in educational psychology. In a successful career spanning two decades, he has authored books, published papers, conducted numerous workshops, and has also won a prestigious state award for administrative reforms. Along with academics, he has been actively involved in tiger and nature conservation initiatives since his college days, volunteering in annual tiger censuses, delivering lectures, writing articles, and engaging children and youth on the issues surrounding conservation. Putting together psychology, conservation, and theatre, he has come up with a brilliant idea of taking the message of conservation to children using media they love the most - song & dance, music, and animation.

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