Global Thermostat

VAT2019 I 240
SynopsisGeo-engineering, large-scale modification of the global climate system is no longer science fiction, under the pressure of global warming. By catching the CO2 present in the atmosphere thanks to artificial tree forests, by reflecting sunlight in making a shield in the stratosphere, scientists are testing new technologies, which should limit global warming effect, and not to say, cool down the whole planet. What is the process? How does it work? It is really feasible already? How can the solutions be tested? What are the risks for the planet? This film throws a searching light on all these and more.
Arthur Rifflet
Original Language
Director Bio
Arthur Rifflet is a Writer, Director, and Editor. He has the knack of marrying film craft with artistic vision. His films create the feeling of depth and dimension in a scene, and push the boundaries of filmmaking to a place where they capture and convey fresh viewpoints. His filmmaking is adept at pulling emotion and meaning out of any subject.

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