VAT2019 N 043
SynopsisLet us travel across some fascinating forests of India to explore the amazing ways in which nature affects our body, mind and spirit. Let us uncover some ancient wisdom and examine new findings on the role of nature from birth to death of a human life. The film unfolds through inspiring stories of people whose lives are intricately woven with forests. Through their experiences we learn about the remarkable healing powers of nature.
Original Language
Delhi, India
Director Bio
Nitin runs an independent film production house that specializes in creating films with socially relevant themes. Films that help to create conscious communities. He is currently working on an international project called the Healing Forest. It showcases how forests have the ability to heal people and aims to reconnect people with nature through inspiring stories and films from different corners of the world. Nitin is an Asia Society Fellow, being one amongst 21 people chosen from across Asia each year. He has also won a special award by the British Council for creative entrepreneurship in the social sector.

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